Thursday, November 1, 2018

Fashion Magazine Website- Elle

Elle, a worldwide lifestyle magazine that focuses on fashion, beauty, health and entertainment-

Above, you can see the website equivalent to the masthead and this is the primary element of the website and is very top, so as to draw attention to it and ensure its visibility. The text remains the same, however, the background photo is temporary, the photo changes along with each new edition, and the star of that month's cover can be seen as the temporary background for that month.

This is the next element to be shown on the Elle website. Here you can see articles that are listed, likely as the current top 5 articles to read. These articles don't necessarily revolve around fashion, so instead demonstrate the depth of the magazine. An online platform allows the magazine to expand on their printed articles and post additional articles and this is what the website shows as one of their first website elements.

After the initial recommended articles, the website posts further articles that they believe are of interest to their audience. Again, these don't relate to fashion but the website means that the magazine are free to post more, allowing them to post articles on a wider variety of topics. 
These are what can be found next on the website, including season related articles. Further down is a list of videos and then there are the articles that take on the format of a gossip column, but generally with more high brow content. This is all found on the main page of the website, and these articles remain on the home page, so you have the option to scroll down and continue to read older articles that were posted weeks or months ago. These articles are structured to entice the audience to read them, for example, they provide one photo, many using celebrities as a way to catch your attention before you've even read the title, but without revealing too much. Also the titles are long enough to grab the readers attention but short enough that they entice you into reading. Another effective technique used is rhetorical questions, a powerful and commonly used marketing tool.

Finally, the website has a helpful sidebar to help the reader navigate around the website, as well as showing them what they can look at. Here are some examples of the section headers...

Fashion Magazine Website- Vogue

Vogue, a Fashion and Lifestyle Magazine-

Above, you can see the website equivalent to the masthead and this is the primary element of the website and is at the very top top, so as to draw attention to it and ensure its visibility. There is no background photo and Vogue have instead opted for a plain white background to keep the heading simple but effective.

this is the next element to be shown on the Vogue website. Here you can see articles that are listed,  as the current top articles to read. These articles don't necessarily revolve around fashion, so instead demonstrate the depth of the magazine. An online platform allows the magazine to expand on their printed articles and post additional articles and this is what the website shows as one of their first website elements.

After the initial articles, that Vogue recommend, they include a news section which relates to events, exhibitions etc. that would likely be of interest to the audience.
Then, as shown on the left there is a long series of articles that are more of the fashion and beauty genre and these focus mainly on trends/styles,  beauty and season related articles.
Being a high end fashion magazine, Vogue's focus is on providing fashion related articles suitable for their readers, but a bonus of having an online platform is that not only can they pst more articles, but these articles can also be longer,m and include both more information/ tips etc. and more images.
These images are some examples of the types of articles that are posted on Vogue's website.

On the left is an image of the next element of Vogue's website, which is  a video section, at this time it contains demonstrative make up videos in the run up to Halloween, but this section would usually include videos with beauty and make up tips and fashion events  to name some examples.

Below the video section is another list of various articles and all of this content can be found on the main page of the website. These articles remain on the homepage for a while   so you have the option to scroll down and read older content. These articles are structured to entice the audience to read them, for example, they provide only one photo, many using celebrities and/or a vibrant colour palette as a way to catch your attention before you've even read the title, but without revealing too much. Also, the titles are long enough to grab the readers attention but short enough that they entice you into reading. Another effective technique used is rhetorical questions, a powerful and commonly used marketing tool.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Fashion Magazine Website- Harper's Bazaar

Harper's Bazaar (HB), an American Women's Fashion Magazine-

Above, you can see the website equivalent to the masthead and this is the primary element of the website and is at the very top, so as to draw attention to it and ensure its visibility. The text remains the same, however, the background photo is temporary, the photo changes along with each new edition, and the star of that month's cover can be seen as the temporary background for that month.

This is the next element to be shown on the HB website. Here you can see articles that are listed, likely as the current top 5 articles to read. These articles don't necessarily revolve around fashion, so instead demonstrate the depth of the magazine. An online platform allows the magazine to expand on their printed articles and post additional articles and this is what the website shows as one of their first website elements.

After the initial recommended articles, the website posts further articles that they believe are of interest to their audience. Again, these don't relate to fashion but the website means that the magazine are free to post more, allowing them to post articles on a wider variety of topics. The examples include those displayed on the left. These were the first two articles shown after the recommended five above. Harper's Bazaar has a target audience of 25-49 year old women. The majority of Britain support the Royal Family, but this figure increases the further up the age groups you look, this may suggest why there are a number of articles surrounding the Royal Family, since the HB audience overlaps a lot with that of Royal Family supporters. What's more The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are particularly popular among younger generations, meaning that HB audience members are, statistically, very likely to support both the Royal Family, and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex in particular.

These are what can be found next on the website, including season related articles. Further down is a list of videos and then there are the articles that take on the format of a gossip column, but generally with more high brow content. This is all found on the main page of the website, and these articles remain on the home page, so you have the option to scroll down and continue to read older articles that were posted weeks or months ago. These articles are structured to entice the audience to read them, for example, they provide one photo, many using celebrities as a way to catch your attention before you've even read the title, but without revealing too much. Also the titles are long enough to grab the readers attention but short enough that they entice you into reading. Another effective technique used is rhetorical questions, a powerful and commonly used marketing tool.

Finally, the website has a helpful sidebar to help the reader navigate around the website, as well as showing them what they can look at. Here are some examples of the section headers...

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Bauer Media- Grazia- Ad Rates/Contacts

Bauer Media- Grazia- 360

Bauer Media- Grazia- Beauty

Bauer Media- Grazia- Fashion

Bauer Media- Grazia- Manifesto

Bauer Media- Grazia- Reader

Bauer Media- Grazia- Global Network

Bauer Media- Grazia- The Mission

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Magazine Analysis- High Fashion October 2018 (Elle)

Elle (Kevin O'Malley Magazine)- Selena Gomez is featured as the main image on the front page of this edition. They have used her to create star power, which suggests that she is an ambassador for the magazine. This, in turn, helps to attract  more audience members, and encourage them to buy the magazine. The photo of Gomez is a close up, which allows the audience to see her face very clearly. Meghan Markle is a thin, attractive, relatively young and well known star. She embodies so many of the stereotypical societal ideals of beauty, making her everything that the audience would aspire to become.
Selena Gomez is known and liked by so many people globally due to her very successful singing and acting career. Therefore, people who are not a fan of the magazine would likely buy it because she is on the cover, which helps to expand the audience. Having Selena Gomez making direct eye contact with the audience connotes a friendly and kind image, portraying the star as both approachable and natural. This also shows that she is very self- confident in her looks and this would make the audience want to be like her, which then further entices the audience to buy the magazine.
The name of the magazine is Elle which, in French means She or Her. This creates a feminine and glamorous allure for the magazine, and further emphasises the sophistication and glamour of the magazine. The masthead is at the top of the magazine as it is the most important aspect. The name being at the top allows it to stand out and catch the readers eye. 
The cover lines are yellow and sit well with the warm background colour, the colour palette is bright yet minimalistic which connotes but elegance and fun. Elle is published by Kevin O'Malley. Elle is published as a monthly magazine, similarly to most high brow fashion magazines which are also monthly editions.
Finally, the biggest words on the cover, after the masthead, are the words 'Go Glam', in large capital letters, to draw in attention. They want people to have no doubt that Elle is a glamorous, high fashion magazine. 

Magazine Cover Examples- Elle

Magazine Analysis- High Fashion October 2018 (Vogue)

Vogue (Conde Nast Magazine)- Lady Gaga is featured as the main image on the front page of this edition. They have used her to create star power, which suggests that she is an ambassador for the magazine. This, in turn, helps to attract  more audience members, and encourage them to buy the magazine. The photo of Lady Gaga is a mid/long shot, which allows the audience to see her outfit as well as her figure. Lady Gaga is a thin, attractive, relatively young and well known star. She embodies so many of the stereotypical societal ideals of beauty, making her everything that the audience would aspire to become.
Lady Gaga is known and liked by so many people globally due to her hugely successful career as a singer/songwriter. Therefore, people who are not a fan of the magazine would likely buy it because she is on the cover, which helps to expand the audience. Having Lady Gaga making direct eye contact with the audience connotes a friendly and kind  image, portraying the star as approachable and natural. It also shows that she is confident in her looks and would make the audience want to be like her, which further entices the audience to buy the magazine.
The name of the magazine is Vogue which is a synonym for Popular and Fashionable. This creates an encouraging and enticing allure for the magazine, and further emphasises the high fashion element and idolisation of the magazine. The masthead is at the top of the magazine as it is the most important aspect. The name being at the top allows it to stand out and catch the readers eye. The masthead is partly covered by the cover star however this is intentional as they have confidence in their brand that it is well known enough for people to recognise it regardless.
The cover lines include: Dressing for the Real World, There has been a Galaxy of Change, and The United States of Women and the cover lines stick to strictly black, white and pink. The What To Wear Now section is full of bright colours and patterns. The similarity between the elegance of Lady Gaga and the simple and elegant colour palette of the cover lines connotes how this magazine is very high fashion. Vogue is published by Cone Nast which is also known for other high fashion magazines such as Glamour, W and variations of Vogue including; Teen Vogue, Men's Vogue, Vogue India and Vogue Italia. Also, Vogue is published as a monthly magazine, similarly to most high brow fashion magazines which are also monthly editions.
Finally, the biggest words on the cover, after the masthead, are the words 'Lady Gaga', in large capital letters, to draw in attention. They want people to know that such a big star is in their cover. Below these words, they have quoted the star, this would appeal to the target audiences as they feel like they know her and by reading this magazine they will find out more about her.

Magazine Cover Examples- Vogue

Monday, October 15, 2018

Magazine Analysis- High Fashion October 2018 (Grazia)

Grazia (Bauer Magazine)- Meghan Markle is featured as the main image on the front page of this edition. They have used her to create star power, which suggests that she is an ambassador for the magazine. This, in turn, helps to attract  more audience members, and encourage them to buy the magazine. The photo of Markle is a long shot, which allows the audience to see her complete outfit as well as her figure. Meghan Markle is a thin, attractive, relatively young real life princess. She embodies so many of the stereotypical societal ideals of beauty, making her everything that the audience would aspire to become.
Meghan Markle is loved by so many people globally due to her childhood and career in America and then marrying into the British Royal Family. Therefore, people who are not a fan of the magazine would likely buy it because she is on the cover, which helps to expand the audience. Markle is smiling in this photo and has a very soft facial expression which portrays her as friendly and kind but she is not directly addressing the audience and this therefore adds a sense of mystery and exclusivity, which further entices the audience.
The name of the magazine is Grazia which is Italian for Grace. This creates a feminine and elegant allure for the magazine, and is further emphasised by the fact that the word is in white as this has connotations of beauty and perfection. The masthead is at the top of the magazine as it is the most important aspect. The name being at the top allows it to stand out and catch the readers eye. The masthead is partly covered by the cover star however this is intentional as they have confidence in their brand that it is well known enough for people to recognise it regardless.
The cover lines include: Meghan Markle's life, Angelina Jolie's holiday, and What To Wear Now and the cover lines have a bright yellow background element to them. The What To Wear Now section is full of bright colours and patterns. The contrast between the elegance of Meghan and the 'commonness' of the cover lines connotes how this magazine is somewhat high fashion but not necessarily at the same level as other high fashion magazines as it wants to appeal to a wider audience. Grazia is published by Bauer which is also known for gossip magazines such as Bella and Take a Break, as well as a string of fishing and motor magazines. Also, Grazia is published as a weekly magazine, similarly to most gossip magazines, while most high brow fashion magazines are monthly editions.
Finally, the biggest word on the cover, after the masthead, is the word 'Meghan', in large capital letters, to draw in attention. They want people to know that such a big star is in their cover. They also haven't written her surname as they are confident people will know her by just 'Meghan'. By just using his first name it is personal to the audience and makes them feel as if they know her. This would appeal to the target audiences they can feel like they know her and by reading this magazine they will find out more about her.

Magazine Cover Examples- Grazia

Design, Layout and Branding

At a glance, you can generally tell if a magazine is going to satisfy your interests, outlook and aspirations.

Different magazines have distinct house styles that convey their brand identity.

The brand identity and point-of-view (or ideology) conveyed by a magazine is vital when we consider that magazines are selling us content that is often aspirational. 

Modes of address

Different magazines have different modes of address.

This may be formal and informative, of more casual and catchy.

Magazines use design and language to stand out from their competitors in the same sub-genre.

A magazine contents page lists all of its content including regular pages and special features. The audience (readers) will normally expect to find regular pages in the same place for each edition.

Features are particular to each magazine issue. They will contain new content on topics and may be an exclusive for the magazine.

Magazine Terminology Research

Tagline- a statement which captures the essence of the brand identity

House Style- relates to ideas about the magazine's individual style and voice, specifically a continuity of style in language and design across issues

Anchorage- refers to the linking of an image and text through placement on layout to direct audience's attention to preferred reading

Masthead- the title of the magazine, conventionally placed at the top of the cover

Typography- the font used, the choice of fonts are crucial in conveying the mode of address to the audience, the typography may be serif or sans serif, in bold or italics, upper case or lower case, fonts may be decorative but should be easy to read

Cover lines- the short descriptions of specific features placed on the corner, sometimes referred to as 'call outs' because they are calling out to the audience

Splashes and puffs- blocks of colour placed underneath text to allow certain cover lines to stand out

Restricted colour palette- usually two colours plus black and/or white; provides graphic unity and aesthetic pleasure for audience

Mode of address- defined as the way a text 'speaks' to its audience, mode of address can be assessed by analysing images, language and typography

Discourses- the topics covered in the magazine

Synergy- a symbiotic relationship across media platforms and products

Prioritisation- in western societies we read from left to right and from top to bottom, therefore page designers prioritise items on the page according according to the way we access information, we expect the masthead to be at the top of a magazine cover, and the most important features to be in larger typography

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Bauer Media Research Part 2

Bauer Media Group (BMG) pays its employees an average of $61,071 pa.

Those employed at BMG with the job title Sales Director are the highest earners, with an average salary of $95, 281, and Editorial Assistants earn the least, at an average of $37,731 pa.

In 2015, BMG made a revenue of €2.316 billion.

Their mission:

"Our aim is to connect audiences with excellent content through our broad multi- touchpoint brand platforms. Wherever, whenever and however they want."

"Winning Together Through Passion, Innovation and Speed."

Monday, October 8, 2018

Bauer Media Group Research Part 1

Bauer Media PTY Limited is the parent company of Bauer Media Group (BMG).

Bauer Media UK is an entertainment network of multi- network brands, many of which are considered iconic.

The business was founded in Hamburg, Germany in 1875 and is now in its fifth generation of family ownership. BMG operates in 20 countries and has 11,000 employees worldwide.

BMG is currently Britain's biggest magazine publisher.
Paul Keenan CEO
Rob Munro-Hall Magazine Media, Group MD