Thursday, October 18, 2018

Magazine Analysis- High Fashion October 2018 (Vogue)

Vogue (Conde Nast Magazine)- Lady Gaga is featured as the main image on the front page of this edition. They have used her to create star power, which suggests that she is an ambassador for the magazine. This, in turn, helps to attract  more audience members, and encourage them to buy the magazine. The photo of Lady Gaga is a mid/long shot, which allows the audience to see her outfit as well as her figure. Lady Gaga is a thin, attractive, relatively young and well known star. She embodies so many of the stereotypical societal ideals of beauty, making her everything that the audience would aspire to become.
Lady Gaga is known and liked by so many people globally due to her hugely successful career as a singer/songwriter. Therefore, people who are not a fan of the magazine would likely buy it because she is on the cover, which helps to expand the audience. Having Lady Gaga making direct eye contact with the audience connotes a friendly and kind  image, portraying the star as approachable and natural. It also shows that she is confident in her looks and would make the audience want to be like her, which further entices the audience to buy the magazine.
The name of the magazine is Vogue which is a synonym for Popular and Fashionable. This creates an encouraging and enticing allure for the magazine, and further emphasises the high fashion element and idolisation of the magazine. The masthead is at the top of the magazine as it is the most important aspect. The name being at the top allows it to stand out and catch the readers eye. The masthead is partly covered by the cover star however this is intentional as they have confidence in their brand that it is well known enough for people to recognise it regardless.
The cover lines include: Dressing for the Real World, There has been a Galaxy of Change, and The United States of Women and the cover lines stick to strictly black, white and pink. The What To Wear Now section is full of bright colours and patterns. The similarity between the elegance of Lady Gaga and the simple and elegant colour palette of the cover lines connotes how this magazine is very high fashion. Vogue is published by Cone Nast which is also known for other high fashion magazines such as Glamour, W and variations of Vogue including; Teen Vogue, Men's Vogue, Vogue India and Vogue Italia. Also, Vogue is published as a monthly magazine, similarly to most high brow fashion magazines which are also monthly editions.
Finally, the biggest words on the cover, after the masthead, are the words 'Lady Gaga', in large capital letters, to draw in attention. They want people to know that such a big star is in their cover. Below these words, they have quoted the star, this would appeal to the target audiences as they feel like they know her and by reading this magazine they will find out more about her.

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