Monday, October 15, 2018

Magazine Analysis- High Fashion October 2018 (Grazia)

Grazia (Bauer Magazine)- Meghan Markle is featured as the main image on the front page of this edition. They have used her to create star power, which suggests that she is an ambassador for the magazine. This, in turn, helps to attract  more audience members, and encourage them to buy the magazine. The photo of Markle is a long shot, which allows the audience to see her complete outfit as well as her figure. Meghan Markle is a thin, attractive, relatively young real life princess. She embodies so many of the stereotypical societal ideals of beauty, making her everything that the audience would aspire to become.
Meghan Markle is loved by so many people globally due to her childhood and career in America and then marrying into the British Royal Family. Therefore, people who are not a fan of the magazine would likely buy it because she is on the cover, which helps to expand the audience. Markle is smiling in this photo and has a very soft facial expression which portrays her as friendly and kind but she is not directly addressing the audience and this therefore adds a sense of mystery and exclusivity, which further entices the audience.
The name of the magazine is Grazia which is Italian for Grace. This creates a feminine and elegant allure for the magazine, and is further emphasised by the fact that the word is in white as this has connotations of beauty and perfection. The masthead is at the top of the magazine as it is the most important aspect. The name being at the top allows it to stand out and catch the readers eye. The masthead is partly covered by the cover star however this is intentional as they have confidence in their brand that it is well known enough for people to recognise it regardless.
The cover lines include: Meghan Markle's life, Angelina Jolie's holiday, and What To Wear Now and the cover lines have a bright yellow background element to them. The What To Wear Now section is full of bright colours and patterns. The contrast between the elegance of Meghan and the 'commonness' of the cover lines connotes how this magazine is somewhat high fashion but not necessarily at the same level as other high fashion magazines as it wants to appeal to a wider audience. Grazia is published by Bauer which is also known for gossip magazines such as Bella and Take a Break, as well as a string of fishing and motor magazines. Also, Grazia is published as a weekly magazine, similarly to most gossip magazines, while most high brow fashion magazines are monthly editions.
Finally, the biggest word on the cover, after the masthead, is the word 'Meghan', in large capital letters, to draw in attention. They want people to know that such a big star is in their cover. They also haven't written her surname as they are confident people will know her by just 'Meghan'. By just using his first name it is personal to the audience and makes them feel as if they know her. This would appeal to the target audiences they can feel like they know her and by reading this magazine they will find out more about her.

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